Justice Lee Addresses Offers Encouraging Words at Women’s Summit

On June 4, Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Sharon Lee addressed more than 80 women at the East Tennessee Regional Economic Summit for Women. The event, which was held at Maryville College, was geared to help women learn about reaching their financial goals for their businesses and personal lives.

Justice Lee, the keynote speaker for the event, shared the story of her journey to becoming a judge. In relating her story, Justice Lee encouraged the women to “start their own engines” and to keep working hard to achieve their goals.

“Even though I have been successful in my career, I have had some disappointments and some failures,” said Justice Lee. “But I kept trying to start my engine, and I had lots of help from friends and family who gave me a push and a boost.”

To read more about Justice Lee’s speech, please click here to read the Knoxville News Sentinel’s coverage of the event.