Josie Gray, Administratrix of the Estate of Peggy M. Bush Deceased, v. Ford Motor Company and Springfield Surgery, P.C. and Sarjeet S. Kumar


Pursuant to Rule 23, Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court, the Court has accepted for decision the following question of law certified by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals: Whether principles of comparative fault should apply in Tennessee medical malpractice actions so as to result in the apportionment of damages between the estate of a decedent who acted negligently in causing an initial injury and physician who negligently treated the decedent for that injury.

Authoring Judge: Justice Lyle Reid
Davidson County Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:Ray L. Jenkins
Knox County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/29/96


Originating Judge:Seth W. Norman
Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:D. J. Alissandratos
Shelby County Court of Appeals 01/29/96
State of Tennessee v. Billy D. Frasier - Dissenting


I dissent from the majority's holding that a person arrested for driving under the influence of an intoxicant will be denied the right to consult with counsel prior to submitting to a breath test, regardless of the circumstances, and also from the majority's holidng that the defendant's right against self-incrimination would not be violated by the adminssion of his refusal to submit to the breath test as evidence of intoxication.


Authoring Judge: Justice Lyle Reid
Originating Judge:Judge John A. Turnbull
Putnam County Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:W. Dale Young
Supreme Court 01/29/96
Joseph Carl Owens v. Truckstops of America, Truckstops of America, Inc. v. B. Michael Design, Inc. and Vitro Products, Inc. - Dissenting


Based on the plaintiff's expectations at the time he filed this lawsuit in 1988, I agree with the majority that, in this transition case, it is reasonable to permit the plaintiff to recover from the defendants that he named in his complaint ("Truckstops") all of his damages that were proximately caused by Truckstops and that were not attributable to the plaintiff's own fault (if any). I also agree with the majority that it is fair in this transition case to permit Truckstops to receive contribution from the parties that were named by Truckstops as third-party defendants. However, I believe that the contribution should be based on the parties' respective percentages of fault, and that this method should apply not only to the negligence claims set forth in the thirdparty complaint, but to the strict products liability claim as well. If liability were thus linked to fault on each claim in the third-party complaint, each defendant (including the third-party defendants) would be liable only for the percentage of the plaintiff's damages that was caused by that defendant's fault, and the doctrine of joint and several liability would have no application.

Authoring Judge: Justice Frank F. Drowota, III
Originating Judge:Judge Marietta M. Shipley
Davidson County Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:John A. Turnbull
Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:Inman
Court of Appeals 01/29/96


Originating Judge:H. T. Lockard
Shelby County Supreme Court 01/29/96
Joseph Carl Owens v. Truckstops of America, Truckstops of America, Inc. and B.P. America, Inc. v. B Michael Design, Inc. and Vitro Products, Inc.


This interlocutory appeal presents for determination the principles of comparative fault applicable to the assessment of liability among joint tort feasors and the application of those principles to this transitional case, in which the cause of action accrued prior to the decision in McIntyre v. Balentine, 833 S.W.2d52 (Tenn. 1992). The decision of the Court of Appeals is modified and the case is remanded to the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Justice Lyle Reid
Originating Judge:Judge Marietta M. Shipley
Davidson County Supreme Court 01/29/96


Originating Judge:Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96


Originating Judge:W. Charles Lee
Bedford County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Greene County Court of Appeals 01/26/96
Jane Doe and Mother A., Jane Doe C and Father C., v. Coffee County Board of Education, Joe Brandon, Bobby Cummings, Nelson Johnson, Marianne Brandon


This is a suit by two high school students and their parents seeking damages resulting from alleged assaults by a high school coach.

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge:Judge Gerald L. Ewell, Sr.
Coffee County Court of Appeals 01/26/96


Originating Judge:W. Charles Lee
Bedford County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96


Originating Judge:Donald P. Harris
Hickman County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Williamson County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Hickman County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Cocke County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Loudon County Court of Appeals 01/26/96

Davidson County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96

Knox County Court of Appeals 01/26/96
Penny Campbell, et al., v. Don Sundquist, Governor of the State of Tennessee, et al.


This appeal involves a constitutional challenge under the Tennessee Constitution to Tennessee's Homosexual Practices Act, T.C.A. § 39-13-510 (1991). On May 26, 1993, plaintiffs Penny Campbell, John Doe, Jane Doe, James Tallent, and Christopher Simien,1 filed a "Verified Petition for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief" in the Circuit Court for Davidson County, Tennessee, against defendants Don Sundquist, Governor of the State of Tennessee,2 Charles W. Burson, Attorney General of the State of Tennessee, and Victor S. Johnson, III, District Attorney General for Davidson County, each in his official capacity. The complaint, as amended, seeks a declaratory judgment pursuant to T.C.A. § 29-14-101, et seq., (1980) that the Homosexual Practices Act (HPA),acriminal law, violates plaintiffs' right to privacy under Article I, Sections 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 19, and 27 of the Tennessee Constitution and their right to equal protection of the laws under Article I, Section 8 of the Tennessee Constitution. Plaintiffs also seek to enjoin the enforcement of the HPA.

Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Originating Judge:Judge Walter C. Kurtz
Davidson County Court of Appeals 01/26/96
State vs. Willie Dockins

Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas T. Woodall
Originating Judge:Joseph B. Brown
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 01/26/96