Circuit Court Judge Turnbull Honored With Community Service Award

Circuit Court Judge John A. Turnbull of Livingston is the recipient of the first annual Charlie Hardin Memorial Community Service Award, presented by the Putnam County Bar Association. The award was established in memory of Cookeville attorney Charlie Hardin, who recently died of cancer.

“I can’t think of a finer tribute than to receive the Charlie Hardin Award,” Livingston said.

“Charlie exhibited the most professional traits of an attorney. He simply wanted to help people solve problems they couldn’t solve for themselves. His contributions in the Putnam County community and the district will long be remembered.”

Turnbull’s efforts in establishing a Young Lawyer Mentoring Program for the 13th Judicial District, his service to the community and litigants in judicial mediation and his courtesy and respect to members of the profession as a presiding judge were cited by the bar association in announcing the award.

Turnbull has been circuit court judge for the 13th Judicial District since 1989, and before that, he practiced law in the Upper Cumberland for 22 years. The district served by Turnbull includes Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Overton, Pickett, Putnam and White counties.