On Jan. 28, 2025, the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals held oral arguments for its Knoxville docket at the University of Tennessee College of Law. Sitting for the court were Judges Robert H. Montgomery, Tom Greenholtz, and Kyle A. Hixson, all of whom are University of Tennessee College of Law graduates.
Rodd Barckhoff, the Interim Director for the Center for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution and a retired Tennessee Supreme Court Staff Attorney, hosted a luncheon for the judges and students who participate in the school’s advocacy programs. More than 100 students attended the afternoon oral arguments, which included the cases of State v. Michael Flamini, State v. Billy Gene Sliger, and State v. Antonio Gipson.
At the conclusion of the session, the students, the panel, and the attorneys for the parties participated in a question-and-answer session regarding appellate advocacy.
Director Barckhoff coordinated the event with assistance from Lead Deputy Appellate Court Clerk Francesca Kraft and Court of Criminal Appeals Staff Attorney Vanessa Johnson. Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Digital Media personnel, Nick Morgan and Jordan Alcorn, coordinated the on-site live streaming of the oral argument session, which may be viewed on the AOC YouTube channel, TNCourts.