Judicial Hospitalization Contracts for Shelby County Attorneys

A recent amendment to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 13 authorizes the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to enter into contracts for representation of indigent litigants by attorneys working on various types of cases, including representation of indigent Respondents facing involuntary emergency judicial hospitalization pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 33-6-401 et seq.

Shelby County has been identified as a top priority for the use of contracts in representation of individuals in judicial hospitalization cases. The contract being offered will pay attorneys taking these cases a flat rate of $300 per docket with an additional $50 for appearing at any future docket to which a case or cases is continued.

Payment for representation pursuant to a contract will be simplified as well. Attorneys will simply submit an invoice to the AOC (as opposed to completing numerous fee claims) for each docket along with a copy of the order appointing the attorney to that docket (preferably on a single document). Fees for any continuances will be invoiced as well, accompanied by continuance orders. Invoicing allows for attorneys to be paid more quickly.

If you are interested in being considered for appointment to these cases, please complete the contract below and return it via scan and e-mail or fax to the AOC. E-mails can be sent to dhaines@tncourts.gov– send faxes to (615) 741-6285.